And you’re here. There’s a fire in your belly.I love that. I feel it too. I want to help you burn even brighter, beautiful.
But first, let me introduce myself properly. I’m Aurora Grace.
I’m a writer, coach, speaker, seeker. I guide passion-fuelled women out of fear and uncertainty, and into lives, blogs and businesses they love (and truly desire).
Thanks you!
Must see
How to Make Fake Snow
Learn how to make fake snow in just a few minutes using 2 simple ingredients! This fake snow recipe is really easy to make, and it’s soooo much fun to play with!
Salt Dough Ornaments
These salt dough ornaments are so pretty and they’re SO EASY to make! Follow our 3-ingredient recipe for perfect salt dough that turns out well every single time! You can paint them and decorate with glitter or form them into shapes and leave them unpainted.
How to Make Shrinky Dink Ornaments
These Shrinky Dink ornaments are SO EASY and super fun to make. Just trace one of our free printable templates, colour, and bake! It’s so cool to watch the colourful figures shrink into adorable, holiday treasures.