DIY Macrame Necklace
These macrame necklaces look so impressive, but they’re actually really EASY to make! Follow our simple tutorials to make your own boho inspired macrame necklace!
Choose your favourite colours and create a chic Celtic heart necklace, a fashionable braided necklace, or one of each! Get creative and follow these beginner friendly macrame necklace patterns to make your own DIY jewelry.
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Looking for more easy macrame projects? Here’s a few of our favourites:
How to Make a Macrame Necklace – Braided Necklace
Check Out The Video Tutorial:
Step 1: Find what you need
- Gather your supplies and materials.
Step 2: Set up the macrame cord
- Cut 3 strands of macrame cord that are 43 inches long.Line up one end of the cords. Then tape them to the table, 7-1/2 inches down from the ends.
- Measure 7-1/2 inches down from the taped section and loop the bottom part of the strings up on the right.
- Bring the right cords over to the left at the taped mark.
- Then bring this same section of cord down so that there’s a left, middle, and right section.
Step 3: Braid the necklace
- Take the left section and pull it under the middle and over the right. Keep the 3 cords lined up evenly as you work.
- Carefully adjust the cords to push the braid up to the top, by the taped section.
- Bring the new middle section over top of the left section. (Ignore the loop at the bottom of the picture. This happens sometimes as you are braiding, but it will correct itself as you continue to braid.)
- Take the right section and pull it under the center and over the left.
- Now bring the center section over the right. Adjust the cords as you work so they stay lined up evenly beside each other.
- Continue this braiding pattern until you reach the end of the loop. The long strand always goes under the center strand and over the right or the left.
- Starting at the taped section, adjust the cords to make the braid more loose and even.
Step 4: Add a clasp to the necklace
- Remove the tape. Place the necklace around your neck to get an idea of how long you’d like it to be. Then cut the ends of the cords so that they’re an even length on both sides.
- Attach a cord end crimp to both ends of the necklace, closing them with pliers.
- Attach a jump ring to one of the crimps and use pliers to push it closed.
- Open the second jump ring and attach it to the lobster clasp, but don’t close it yet.Attach the jump ring and clasp to the other end crimp and push it closed.
- Your braided macrame necklace is complete!
How to Make a Macrame Necklace – Celtic Heart Necklace
Check Out The Video Tutorial:
Step 1: Find what you need
- Gather your supplies and materials.
Step 2: Form the Celtic heart knot
- Cut 3 strands of macrame cord that are each 31-1/2 inches long. Line up the 3 cords into a long “U” shape.
- Cross the left cord section over the right cords, creating a loop at the bottom left. Keep the 3 cords lined up evenly as you make your loops
- Take the same section of cord (now at the right) and loop it over itself again, then straight up, creating another loop on the right.
- Bring the top right ends of the cords over to the left, forming a pretzel shape with the cords.
- Bring the top left ends under the top right cords.
- Bring this same cord section down and place it over the first group of cords. Working towards the left, bring it under the second group and over the third.In the photo below, we’re pointing to the cords you’ll need to go under.
- Take the same cords and weave them under the next section to complete the pattern and form the Celtic heart knot.In the photo below, we’re pointing to the cords you’ll need to go under.
Step 3: Adjust the necklace and add a clasp
- Adjust the cords to move the shape over to the middle of the necklace. Be careful to keep the 3 cords evenly beside each other as you make your adjustments.
- Carefully tighten the cords and continue adjusting until the Celtic heart is in the middle of the necklace.
- Cut the extra cord so that there’s 8 inches of cord on either side of the heart.
- Open the cord end crimps and use pliers to attach them to both ends of the necklace.
- Use pliers to attach a jump ring to one of the crimps.
- Open the second jump ring and add it to the lobster clasp, but don’t close it yet.
- Attach the jump ring and lobster clasp to the other crimp, using pliers to close it.
- Your Celtic heart macrame necklace is complete!
Helpful Tips:
- Since there are no tight knots on these necklaces they can be easily be undone if you need to start over.
- Measure the necklaces on your neck before adding the clasp. These measurements worked for an adult neck, but kids might need the ends shortened more.
- Add beads to your braided necklace for a fun, creative touch! You can add the beads to the long, open section as you braid.
What materials are needed for a macrame necklace?
To make these macrame necklaces you will need macrame cord, in the colour of your choosing, and a way to close the necklace. If you make your necklace longer, you can simply tie a knot in the end of the cords.
We wanted an easy to open clasp on our necklaces, so we added cord end crimps, jump rings, and a lobster clasp. You can find these items at a craft store, like Michaels, or on Amazon.
What size cord is best for a macrame necklace?
We used 2mm macrame cord to make our necklaces. We like the look of several small strands knotted together. But using a different cord size, or a different amount of cords, can totally change the look of the necklace!
You can easily make a macrame necklace using a larger cord size, like 5mm or 8mm. If you use a larger cord we recommend making the necklace using only 1 or 2 cords, instead of 3.
All it takes is macrame cord and a little bit of time to make a unique, handmade necklace. Get creative and make one of these DIY macrame necklaces in 15 minutes or less. They’re so pretty and inexpensive to make!

Here’s even more DIY jewelry ideas:
How to Make a Paracord Bracelet
Our book Low-Mess Crafts for Kids is loaded with 72 fun and simple craft ideas for kids! The projects are fun, easy and most importantly low-mess, so the clean up is simple!
Where to buy:
You can purchase Low-Mess Crafts for Kids from Amazon, or wherever books are sold:
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