The Best Craft Kits For Kids – 2025 Guide
With the school holidays in full swing, my husband and I are making the most of this special time with our little one before she starts school at the end of January. She has a natural love for arts and crafts, so we’ve been diving into creative indoor activities to escape the blazing summer heat.
Recently, I decided to use a small voucher for our local craft store to pick up some craft kits. However, I was disappointed by the limited variety—they had an overwhelming number of rock painting kits but little else. Most kits included just a few rocks, some acrylic paints, a brush, and perhaps a few googly eyes. While rock painting can be fun, we were hoping for more exciting and varied options.
Determined to find better choices, I turned to Amazon and searched for “craft kits for kids.” I was blown away by the incredible selection! From creative DIY sets to educational craft kits, there were so many options that I knew my daughter would absolutely enjoy. After exploring the best offerings, here’s my guide to the top craft kits for kids in 2025!
This is one of those kits that has a little of everything, which is a PERFECT starting point for craft kits. You’ll be able to come back to this one over and over, so even though it costs a little more than some of the others, you’re going to get many crafting sessions out of this one box, rather than it being a single activity. This is also a great kit for those little ones who like to do their own thing, make it up as they go, rather than follow instructions.
This is such a neat kit because once you’ve had your crafty creation session, kids will have something they can actually play with afterwards! Bouncy balls do tend to go missing easily, I know, so it’s very cool that you can make a whole bunch of them with this kit.
I absolutely love this idea! My daughter has always been a great sleeper and a fantastic self-soother, which I credit to her trusty nightlights. She has two favorites: Mrs. Octi (a cloud-shaped nightlight projector you can find here) and Pomona (a glowing, singing elephant available here).
Nightlights aren’t just for babies or toddlers; as our daughter’s imagination grows, so do her fears of the dark. Her nightlights have become even more important in providing comfort and reassurance. I know she’d absolutely love the idea of making her own nightlight!
Craft kits like this could be especially helpful for children who struggle with nighttime fears. By creating their own personalized nightlight, they might feel more empowered to face their worries, giving them a sense of control and ownership over the dark. It’s a wonderful blend of creativity and emotional support for kids!
We’ve done a similar kit to these and my daughter just loves to see her handiwork on the fridge holding up the various things she’s made or I need to remember. Very fun and a useful end result, who could ask for more?!
This kit is great for younger crafters because it doesn’t involve any sewing (or sharp things!) but you get a little pillow out of it! It’s simple, straightforward, and customisable, so it’ll appeal to many a little crafty person.
There’s six rainbow related craft activities in this groovy little kit, across a few crafting… genres? Disciplines? Varieties? I don’t know, it’s good, rainbow loving kids will love it, ’nuff said.
My daughter loves buttons. I loved buttons as a kid (still do!), and I’m pretty sure it’s a fairly universal thing that children love buttons, which makes this kit both adorable, and appealing to many children. It’d also make a great gift to a kid that’s difficult to shop for.
This is one you could be forgiven for just buying for yourself. My daughter and I love glitter, but (and it’s not called ‘herpes of the craftworld’ for nothing) it does get everywhere, so I love crafts that involve contained glitter. This little kit is just so cute!
It has lights, too! This is super cute, and whilst it’s not a traditional ‘craft’ kit, it is still crafty and it’s something that kids will LOVE to check each day to see the changes as the seeds grow.
This is the best paracord kit I’ve seen because it comes with a groovy little loom to make the bracelets on. Craft kits that actually entice boys can be a bit tricky, but these have a great track record as being loved by boys of all ages.
This is a great craft kit for kids a little older, or who are super imaginative and like a challenge! It’s a very cool idea to give them a bunch of resources and then ask them to make up a musical instrument or a game!
Who doesn’t love a snow globe?! I love that this kit is so accessible for a variety of ages, and that they have a lovely keepsake afterwards! Super cute, and very customisable.
My daughter loves to put things into bags and pouches, and from what I’ve heard this delight is shared by many of her tiny human peers, which makes this little kit a delight for them! She’s getting into hand-sewing now, and the idea of being able to pack things into a little pouch she herself has made is very appealing to her!
Bath bombs are a very accessible craft – and a chance for a science lesson on the side! – but what I like about this kit is the fact that the bi-carb is coloured, and the cute little moulds! I’ve done round bath bombs at home, but not coloured or shaped, which I think makes it more appealing to children.
I can see a lot of kids getting really into this little kit – using a hammer! A little hammer! Adorable! You also get instructions and materials for six different projects in this kit.
Charm bracelets are always a hit and this kit is very cute as the little bits and bobs included make for some pretty unique and quality looking bracelets! How swanky!
Soap making is very cool, but it can be quite complex, so getting everything in a kit is great. There’s some cute and quirky ideas in this kit, and because it’s mostly mixing, it’s a good one for a variety of ages, and you get something useful out of it. Neat!
We’ve done a slime making kit before, where you make the slime from ingredients, and gotta say, didn’t love it. What I like about this kit is the slime comes made, but you can add stuff to it! A variety of stuff, too. Really, when isn’t slime a hit with kids?!
I used to scavenge for embroidery floss from my mother when I was a kid and make friendship bracelets, and the most annoying part was trying to find somewhere to tape the thing down so you could work on it. I used to hold the ends in my teeth and knot downwards, but that wasn’t fun after a short while, I’ll tell ‘ya. This very cute and very practical kit would have made me absurdly excited as a kid, and I want it now… for my daughter… to teach her to make friendship bracelets… yeah, not for me at all… totally for her.
This is borderline on whether it’s a craft kit or creation kit, but it’s so cool and a lot of older kids would really love to make this thing! I mean, who doesn’t want to have their very own rover?! Then you and your tiny human can have a blast pretending your mission control and making up a whole space opera for your wee rover!
Oh the cuteness! These adorable – and accessible – little critters are triggering my cute aggression big time! This is a great kit because you get everything to make all seven woodland creatures, but it’s all pre-cut so your little ones can get right to the stitching!
Okay, okay, I snuck a painted rock in, but only because it’s a quintessential craft activity for kids. But what I love about this kit is that it’s very open-ended and there’s materials for twelve separate projects included in the kit, including a wind chime. Wouldn’t it be just so cute to have a wind chime made by your own wee one? I’d love that!
My daughter loves to give us flowers, and she loves it when we press flowers in a book, but this little kit is next level! She’d flip out over a proper press like this, and I love that you can just keep using it.
I recently began working with polymer clay (love it!) and every time I get it out my daughter instantly wants to join in and make things too. It’s a very kid-friendly craft, so long as an adult is the one to bake the finished items.