Red and green marbled paint pour Christmas ornament

Paint Pour Ornaments

Get creative this Christmas with paint pour ornaments! If you’re looking for a fun and unique way to decorate your Christmas tree, look no further than pour paint ornaments. These DIY Christmas ornaments are such an easy, mesmerizing way to add personality to your holiday decor!

You can create one-of-a-kind ornaments with beautiful, marbled designs using just a few simple supplies. Whether you’re crafting with kids or simply want a relaxing holiday project, paint pouring is a great way to experiment with colour. So let’s dive in and see how to make these stunning ornaments step by step!

Red and green marbled paint pour Christmas ornament

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How to Make a Paint Pour Ornament

These DIY paint pour ornaments are so pretty! This Christmas craft is super easy, no painting skills or experience needed, and they look so awesome decorating the tree!
Author: Debbie Chapman



Step 1: Find what you need

  • Gather your supplies and materials.
    Paint Pour Ornaments Supplies
  • Pour about 1/2 ounce of acrylic paint into a small mixing cup.
    Paint Pour Ornaments
    Add an equal amount of pouring medium to the cup.(Follow your pouring medium’s instructions for paint to medium ratio.)
    Paint Pour Ornaments
  • Stir the paint together until it’s completely mixed.
    Paint Pour Ornaments
  • Repeat with at least one other colour of paint.
    Paint Pour Ornaments

Step 3: Add paint to the ornament

  • Pull the top off of the ornament.
    Paint Pour Ornaments
  • Pour some of the first colour of paint (green, for us) straight to the bottom of the ornament.Try to avoid the paint going onto the sides, since this will cause streaks.
    Paint Pour Ornaments
  • Now pour some of the second colour (red) on top of the first, again aiming for the bottom of the ornament.
    Paint Pour Ornaments
  • Tilt the ornament, rotating it in all directions so that the paint spreads and the colours start to swirl together.Do this over a covering baking sheet or table cloth that will catch any paint drips.
    Paint Pour Ornaments
  • Add more paint to the ornament as needed.
    Paint Pour Ornaments
  • Twirl the paint around until the entire inside of the ornament is covered.
    Paint Pour Ornaments

Step 4: Allow to dry

  • Set the ornament upside-down on another cup, so that any excess paint can drip out.Allow to dry overnight.
    Paint Pour Ornaments
  • Once the ornament is completely dry, reinsert the ornament top. Squeeze the thin metal parts together and push them down into the ball.
    Paint Pour Ornaments
  • Your paint pour ornament is complete!
    Paint Pour Ornaments

Helpful Tips:

  1. Use colours of paint that complement each other and mix well. For example, if you add blue and yellow to an ornament, you’ll end up with at least some green.
  2. You can also do this technique in shaped ornaments, like stars, trees, or bells.

Holding a pour paint ornament in front of a lit Christmas tree

What is pouring medium? Do I have to use it to make these paint pour ornaments?

Pouring medium is a liquid additive that’s mixed with acrylic paint to make it more fluid. It helps the paint flow more easily around a canvas or other surface. You can buy pouring medium at the craft store, art stores, or online.

We do recommend using pouring medium, because it allows you to use any colour of paint that you already have at home. But you can also buy beginners pour painting kits at places like Walmart. These come with pour paint that’s thin and ready to pour, no mixing required.

Colourful paint pouring ornaments on a white background

Where can I get clear Christmas balls to make paint pour ornaments?

We highly recommend buying your clear ornaments at the dollar store. They’re really inexpensive, meaning you can make a bunch of ornaments in all your favourite colours!

You can also buy fillable ornaments at the craft store or online. Make sure you buy ornaments that are one piece, rather than the kind that pull apart in the middle.

Holding a purple and white marbled paint pour Christmas ornament ball

What can I do if the paint cracks in my pour paint ornaments?

Really thin layers of paint inside the plastic ornaments can crack easily if you push in on the ornament by mistake. To hide any imperfections, simply add a second coat of paint inside.

To stop the paint from cracking in the first place, add a thin layer of Mod Podge inside the ornament after the paint dries. Let the excess drip out, just like you did with the paint.

DIY paint pour ornaments

Have fun making these fluid art ornaments. Pour painted Christmas ornaments are a great beginner craft and fun to make with a group. We love the look of these marbled Christmas ornaments and how each one is unique!

Easy paint pour ornament Christmas craft


Our book Low-Mess Crafts for Kids is loaded with 72 fun and simple craft ideas for kids! The projects are fun, easy and most importantly low-mess, so the clean up is simple!

Low Mess Crafts for Kids Book

Where to buy:

You can purchase Low-Mess Crafts for Kids from Amazon, or wherever books are sold:

Amazon  |  Barnes and Noble  |  Books-A-Million  |  Indiebound