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Tag: reindeer

Clothespin reindeer Christmas ornaments

How to make Clothespin Reindeer Ornaments


These clothespin reindeer ornaments are SO CUTE and they’re really simple to make! All you need is a clothespin (thank you dollar store!), a pipe cleaner, a red pom pom and some cute little googly eyes.

38 Handmade Christmas Ornaments - Pom Poms and Pinecones Christmas Ornaments

DIY Pinecone Reindeer: Festive and Fun Christmas Crafts


Hi there! It’s Megan from Homemade Ginger and I’m back with my first Christmas craft of the season! Now that Halloween is over, we can officially get into the Christmas mood without feeling like we missed fall, right? These cute little reindeer are the perfect way to ease your way into holiday crafting!

38 Handmade Christmas Ornaments - 3D Paper Ball Ornaments

DIY Peanut Christmas Ornaments: Unique and Festive Holiday Crafts


I’m that person who always wears a Santa hat at Christmas. (Ho Ho Ho! I can’t wait for Christmas!!!) I bought myself a Santa hat when I was in high school. My friends and I had a Christmas party together in the school cafeteria, and for whatever dorky reason, we decided to wear Santa hats.

Christmas tree decorated sugar cookies

Easy Reindeer Sugar Cookies – A Cute and Festive Holiday Treat


I had no idea that as a parent, Christmas would come with so much work and stress!? Christmas shopping. Wrapping. Planning Christmas dinner. Hosting it for 20 people. Cleaning the house to make it respectable for visitors. And to top it all off my husband’s birthday is a couple days before Christmas too. Ahhhhh!!

Do you remember making these candy cane reindeer when you were a kid?! They're so cute and SO EASY! What a great holiday craft to do with the kids!

How to Make Candy Cane Reindeer – A Fun Christmas Craft for Kids


Do you remember making these candy cane reindeer in school? Isn’t it funny, how something can be so simple, but we forget about it for YEARS? And then it pops up on Pinterest and you’re like “Oh yeah! Those were awesome!” And you find yourself making a late night trip to Michael’s after the kids have gone to bed because the dollar store and Walmart didn’t have any brown pipe cleaners when you ran errands earlier in the day. So then you have to buy 100 brown pipe cleaners, because the respectable 25 count pipe cleaner packages were out of stock. No? Is that just me? (What the heck am I going to do with 100 brown pipe cleaners!?)

30+ Easy Christmas Cupcake Ideas - Santa Hat Cupcakes

How to Make Easy Reindeer Cupcakes – Adorable Christmas Treats for the Holidays


Have you seen these reindeer cupcakes floating around on Pinterest yet!? They are the cutest cupcakes ever! I got the idea from With Sprinkles On Top and her post says she got the idea from a magazine clipping. They are so easy to make and they look so friggin cute!!

30+ Easy Christmas Cupcake Ideas - Chocolate Wreath Cupcakes

How to Make Chocolate Covered Marshmallow Reindeer – A Cute and Tasty Christmas Treat


You know that delicious golden brown colour on a warm, gooey marshmallow after you’ve roasted it over a campfire? It’s pure deliciousness! Except of course, if you’re anything like me, you probably lit the first two marshmallows on fire before you got that perfectly golden brown one. You know the sudden panic when you realize your marshmallow caught fire, but your stick is so long that it takes some serious effort to figure out how to get it anywhere near your mouth to blow it out? Good times!

Santa Coloring Pages


Celebrate all things Christmas with these super festive Santa coloring pages! These free, printable Santa Claus coloring pages are perfectly jolly for both kids and adults.

Christmas Perler Beads

Christmas Perler BeadsThese Christmas Perler beads designs are SO FUN to make! Grab your melty beads and a pegboard and get into the holiday spirit with these super cute pixel art...

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